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llyrian archers were used to harass and break up enemy formations, so that other warriors could then get in amongst their enemies. The members of the warband are lightly armed and equipped, relying more on speed as a protection from foes. Any archers caught in the open by cavalry would be in trouble unless they could withdraw to more favorable ground or behind a shield wall of allied warriors. Their simple bows had a short range and were ineffective against even leather armor at a range of 50 to 100 meters. These archers are at their best in wooded country, where their superior stealth skills learned on the hunt can be put to use.

Illyrian light spearmen learned to fight in ordered formations and with short spears and javelins in order to break up the formations of their enemies. They were not particularly reliable soldiers. They could give a good account of themselves in battle if deployed properly. They wore no armor, and had only a light shield for protection, so most other infantry would slaughter them in droves. They fended off light cavalry for a time, if need be. Few Illyrian heavy spearmen, mostly those belonging to the upper social class, afforded weapons imported from Greece and fought using long spears used overhand and large round shields. They also often preferred to wear a crested Illyrian helmet. The body protection of theirs was the heaviest that was to be found amongst most of the Illyrians. The heavy Illyrian spearmen fought well as personal glory was the way to status.
Illyrian footmen were drawn from the unruly tribes of Illyria in the western Balkans. Together with their javelins, they were armed with a short sword or an axe and shield which, coupled with their innate aggression and mobility in rough terrain, made them useful in close engagements with light troops, and for ambushes. However, the lack of any other armour means that once their javelins were spent, they were best kept away from heavier enemy troops, especially cavalry.
Illyrian heavy swordsmen had learned to fight in relatively ordered formations with swords, javelins and Illyrian shields in order to break up the formations of their enemies. This made them a dangerous and versatile enemy, due to the fact that they could carry an inordinate amount of light javelins and follow a literal shower of these javelins with a thunderous charge with swords. They were impetuous infantry wearing helmets and pieces of Hellenic influenced equipment but couldn’t be considered a heavy unit since the lack of heavy armour. If they were used properly they could become a key unit in the army of any general with enough gold to afford them.
Illyrian light cavalry were fast moving horsemen armed with axes and javelins. They were not armoured, relying instead in their speed and in trying to catch the enemy by surprise. They were excellent for breaking up skirmishers, attacking light and medium infantry as well as light cavalry and pursuing already broken enemies to prevent them rallying and rejoining a battle. Their axes were useful against armoured enemies. The Illyrian cavalry consisted of fast moving horsemen armed with spears and javelins.